The Secrets of Jesus Returning!

The Secrets of Jesus Returning! 

How we can know when Jesus is coming quickly!

Of all the exciting events in human history, it would be impossible to find something as climatic or as exciting as Jesus arriving with power and glory and what happens after that! People from all ages have been looking toward this event and have wondered when it will happen. Exciting events will unfold with the ushering in of God’s kingdom. Old age, sickness, death, wars, and pain will be things of the past! Even ones who have died in the past will be brought back to life! These are, for a certainty, things impossible for man to do but not for our creator!

Luckily, Jesus himself gave his followers clues as to when he would come back. Drawing on illustrations and prophesy, he taught his followers to look for signs that would tell them that he would be near. It is a purpose of this paper to help sincere ones to understand not only where Jesus drew prophesy from but to discern the prophesies and the time periods to which they pertain. Compare the chapter on Identifying the king of the north of our day.

It takes the right attitude to be successful in searching for the hidden treasure of the Kingdom of God. The right attitude is the one tool that is indispensable in the quest for this treasure! If someone does not have the right attitude, they will be blindly looking for it in vain. They will not be able to understand. But with the right attitude, the eyes of understanding will open with the treasure in view!

Will we be ready, when Jesus knocks at our door?

The Right Attitude is Needed

  • Lovers of God are lovers of truth. (Deut. 32:1-4; Ps. 31:5; John 4:24)
  • A lover of God continually seeks truth with the understanding that past beliefs may have to change with new insight from scriptures. (Deut. 43:3; Proverbs 4:18)
  • A lover of God will not make excuses to keep from checking his or her understanding of scripture. Especially, when sincerely asked about beliefs or when teaching others. (1 Pet. 3:15)
  • No one should be afraid or ignorant in testing their faith or what they hear. And no one should keep others from doing the same. In fact, in 2 Cor. 13:5,6, the apostle Paul encouraged others to test their faith, and so should we. Acts 17:11,12 tells of people in the City of Berea being commended for carefully examining the scriptures daily, checking to see if what they were being told was true. And in the Apostle John’s vision in Revelation 2:2, the congregation in Ephesus was commended by Christ for putting to the test men who claimed to be apostles and found them to be liars.
  • Love of God is essential. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus observes a poor widow dropping only a couple of small coins into the temple treasury chest, but many rich people were dropping many coins. Yet, Jesus pointed out that the widow gave more. She gave her whole living, due to the depth of her love for God. In contrast, the rich only gave out of their surplus.
  • Love of neighbor is essential. Jesus taught that one must love God and his neighbor. In Luke 10:25-37, a man who was versed in the law asked Jesus who was his neighbor. Jesus answered by giving the following allegory: A man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers who left him left half-dead on the side of a road. A priest traveling on the road sees him and crosses to the other side to avoid him. A Levite does the same. Yet, a Samaritan saw him and was moved with compassion. He bound up his wounds, took him to an inn and paid for his recovery. The injured man very well could have been a Jew. Traditionally, Samaritans and Jews had little to no dealings with each other. But in any case, Jesus drove the point that the Samaritan acted neighborly to the injured man. Jesus then asked the man who was versed in the law, “Who made himself a neighbor to the injured man?” The man replied that the one who acted mercifully. Jesus said to him to go his way and be doing the same.
    Our neighbors are all around us, no matter where we are or who they may be. Love is essential.

The Right of Jesus to Rule

  • Abraham (Abram) was a Hebrew who lived thousands of years ago. He did everything that God asked of him. As time went on, God adopted him as his friend and promised him that he would become a father to many nations and peoples as numerous as the stars of heaven. And that by means of his seed (offspring), all nations would bless themselves because he listed to God. (Gen. 15:5; 17:1-27; 22:15-18
  • Abraham was adopted by God as his friend, and he knew of God’s name (Genesis 15:7 WEB). However, Yahweh did not reveal a greater extent of the power of his name and his promises until the days of Moses (Exodus 6:2-3 WEB) – See Bible names and their meanings.  Getting to know someone and especially seeing what they can do are important steps in developing a personal relationship with someone.
  • Jesus even taught his followers to pray for the sanctification of his Father’s name in Matthew 6:9-13 – Compare Daniel 2:20 ; Ezekiel 36:23. The sanctification of God’s name not only includes the fulfillment of his will but also the use of his name as he originally intended. How can it be used by people if it is removed from their sight? Simply put, let no man change what God has written. Almighty God has every right to do as he pleases. Soon, all nations will get to know Yahweh’s name through seeing his actions. No man can tell God what to do. It was Almighty God who had man created. Man did not create the Almighty.
  • Another right of Jesus to rule is his human ancestry. The ancestry of Jesus shows that he was born as a Hebrew and his ancestors included the ancient Israelite king David and the patriarch Abraham. (Luke 3:23-38)
  • Jesus is the appointed king from multiple standpoints. Matthew 21:4-9 is the account of Jesus riding on a colt into Jerusalem, as it was prophesied. People, including children, were heralding him as the Son of King David, coming to rule in God’s name! People were cutting down palm branches and waving them. They were laying their garments down, in front of him, because they knew him to be royalty. (Psalms 2; 22:16; 110:1; Isaiah 9:6-7; 42:1-7; 9:9; Luke 1:26-33; Revelation 11:15
  • Jesus is the figurative King David, Israel’s most famous king. Ezekiel was written long after the death of the literal King David but speaks of a figurative King David to rule in the future – Ezekiel 34:23-31; 37:24-25.
  • Jesus is the Messiah. (Daniel 9:25-27; John 8:42, 56-58; Gal. 4:4; Phil. 2:5,8; 1 Cor. 11:3)
  • Jesus is also prefigured as a “Righteous sprout (branch) of David” to inherit the earth. (Jer.23:5; Ps.2; 110:1-2)

The Almighty inviting his Son to rule the earth – Psalms 2; 110:1,2

Discerning the Secrets of the Kingdom of God

  •  Jesus spoke of things that would happen before he came back in power and he referred to prophesy in Daniel and Isaiah. (Matt. 13:11-50; 24:1-22; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-36)
  • Jesus spoke of Daniel as a prophet and incorporated much of Daniel’s prophesy in his explanations of what was going to happen around the time of his coming. If Jesus believed Daniel’s prophesy to be true, followers of Jesus should too. (Matthew 24:15)
  • The term “gentile” means non-Jewish and the term “Gentile times” or “appointed times of the nations” indicates times of Gentile rule over man (Luke 21:24). The lineage of Jews shows that they are Hebrews as Abraham was.
  •  Jesus stated to his disciples to look for signs, not dates, to discern when certain things were going to happen. In fact, when Jesus was on earth, and was exiting the temple in Jerusalem, his disciples wanted to show him all the glorious buildings and gifts to God in the area. But Jesus told them that all the glorious buildings around them would be torn down. Not a stone upon a stone would be left. Later, on the Mount of Olives, his disciples asked him when these things would occur and what would be the sign of his coming including “the end of the age.” Some bible translations use the phrase “end of the world.” However, it is not the end of the world but the end of a time period or “age.” It is the end of the rule of Gentile kings. (Matt. 24:1-3

  • In Matthew 24:32-41, Jesus gave an example of using a sign. He used the example of a fig tree. He mentioned that when one sees the branch growing tender and putting forth leaves, it is a sign that summer is near. Likewise, when someone would discern the signs of the prophets, one would know that the Son of man is near. Discerning the signs is key, not dates. 

Two prophetic accounts in Daniel 2 and 10-12, share the theme that Gentile rule comes to a decisive end and God’s kingdom begins ruling. To understand these two accounts is another key component to unlocking many secrets of the coming of God’s Kingdom.

The Crushing of a Statue and the Making of a Mountain – Daniel 2

In Daniel chapter 2, Daniel interprets a dream of the king of Babylon. The dream is of an amazing and large statue, made of different elements, all in the shape of a man. This statue represents Gentile kings from the head of gold to the feet made of iron and moist clay. The king of Babylon was represented by the head of gold. Then there is a stone cut out of a mountain, not by man. This stone strikes the feet of the statue and the entire statue is crushed and becomes like chaff being blown away with the wind. The stone that crushed the statue becomes a large mountain and fills the earth.

  1. The stone is God’s kingdom. It is to rule mankind forever. The time period of Gentile rule is finished. Jesus spoke of this finite time period as “The times of the Gentiles,” in Luke 21:24 (KJV). It is evident that it is referring to the end of an era or as some would say, “a time period.” But it is certainly not the end of the world. – Psalms 2; 110:1; Daniel 2 *Notice verse 44; 17:22-24; Ecc. 1:4; “The earth remains forever.”
  2. The statue represents Gentile rule, as explained in Daniel 2:36-43.
  3. The instance of the crushing of the statue and the setting up of God’s kingdom corresponds with the instance of the handing of the kingdom of the “world” over to the Lord and his Christ. – Dan.2:28,35,44; Rev.11:15.
  4. Jesus taught his followers to pray for God’s kingdom to come in Matthew 6:9-13.

Jerusalem, Wars, and the Standing up of Michael – Daniel 10-12

In these chapters, we find two major time periods of warfare between the kings of the north and south. There are hundreds of years between these two major wars. The struggles culminate with the end of the king of the north and the beginning of God’s kingdom rule with Michael standing up! The “daughter of womankind” who was thrown down in the first century by Rome and the “king of the south” are one in the same, Jerusalem (Dan. 11:13-17). Many believe that Michael is another name for Jesus.

Rome was given authority to tear down the daughter of womankind and this happened around 66-70AD. – Reference “The Great Revolt” for more information on this first of two major wars between the kings of the north and south that is mentioned in part at Dan. 11:9-18.

Who the king of the north is, concerning the second conquering of Jerusalem mentioned in Daniel 11:21-31, has yet to be realized. We do not know who he is yet but he will cause Israel to lose the old city of Jerusalem and he will occupy it, in some form. Diplomacy occurs but both sides will be lying. He leaves and after a little while, the king of the north goes back for war again but this time he meets his end as Michael stands up in behalf of Daniel’s people. If it is primarily by means of God’s kingdom that the king of the north meets his end, time will tell. But it is interesting how Jesus mentioned how he was going to come from the sunrise in power and glory. Compare Isaiah 41:2; 59:19; Matthew 24:27; and Rev. 16:12 with Dan.11:44-45; 12:1. It is at this time that God’s kingdom begins establishing itself.

  1. Daniel chapters 10 through 12 are harmonious. This is shown by the smooth transition from chapter 10 into 11 and the logical transition from chapter 11 into 12.

The first period of warfare between the king of the north and Jerusalem


  1. The king of the north who was to ruin Jerusalem in the first century and mentioned in Daniel 11:15-17 was Rome of the first century.
  2. Daniel 11:17 depicts the destruction of Jerusalem (aka “Daughter of womankind”) in the first century. She no longer continued to be his (The king of the north) because she was ruined (Torn down like a building was completely ruined) and basically no longer existed. She was not occupied by the king of the north in any manner other than to promote her destruction (Dan.11:16). But she is occupied, by the “placing of the abomination that causes desolation,” in the next struggle between her and the king of the north, as mentioned in verse 31.
  3. There are many scriptures that denote Jerusalem as “she.” – Lamentations 1:8,18; Ez. 26:2; Dan. 9:25 (NWT 1984); “She will return and actually be rebuilt.”
  4. Daniel 11:19,20 depicts the king of the north who ruined Jerusalem in the first century (70AD Rome) as “fading away.” He is not conquered in war. This is in stark contrast with the one who takes his place in the future as the king of the north. In the future war, which will be talked about next, the king of the north meets his end, as mentioned in verse 45 of Daniel 11.

The second and final period of warfare between the king of the north and Jerusalem


  1. The “constant [feature]” (aka “continual sacrifice”) mentioned at Daniel 11:31 is referring to Jerusalem where sacrifices were to be held continually as noted at Numbers 4:16; 29:6. The phrase “continual sacrifice” is located at Dan. 8:11-13; 11:31; 12:11 (NIV); Heb. 10:1. Interestingly, the only thing left of the old temple’s destruction is what is called the “wailing wall” or “Western wall” where many people pray. This wall is part of the old foundation of the old temple. Could this be removed by the future king of the north? Time will tell if it has a part in prophesy or not (Dan.11:31).
  2. Symbolic phrases in Daniel 11:31 such as; “the sanctuary,” “the fortress,” and “continual sacrifice,” could only be referring to Jerusalem.
  3. Daniel 12:1-2 denotes the beginning of the rule of God’s kingdom on earth with:
  1. The king of the north (Who is yet to be revealed) comes to his abrupt end in warfare as mentioned in Dan. 11:41-44. This abrupt end is in stark contrast with the king of the north in the first century where Rome played its part and gradually faded away (Dan. 11:19-20).
  2. The event of the king of the north coming to his end as mentioned in 11:41-44 marks the beginning of Michael standing up as mentioned in Dan. 12:1. That denotes the beginning of God’s kingdom ruling over the earth. Due to the fact that Daniel 12:1 is a continuation of Chapter 11 and “Michael stands up” very well means that Michael fights for God’s people. this would strike awesome fear in all the nations of the earth. Revelation 11:11-13 shows us where the nations become frightened as God’s people are rescued.
  3. The “disgusting thing that is causing desolation” as mentioned in Daniel 11:31 is the same “creature” that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:15; “Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, (let the reader use discernment,) then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains.” Discernment would be needed. This is why Jesus stressed to his disciples to “keep on the watch!” (Mark 13:37) No one can know the day or the hour but someone can see the signs, if they are looking and know what to look for!
  • Discerning the signs…

Jesus mentions in Matthew 24:15 for the reader to have discernment. This primarily refers to the ability to identify the symbolic “abomination that causes desolation” as mentioned in Daniel 11 and the urgency it applies. Prophesy in Daniel is given mostly in signs and that is why no one would know the day or the hour. People who are discerning would look for signs mentioned in Daniel (Dan. 12:9-10). In our case, it would be the setting up of the “abomination that causes desolation” in the city of Jerusalem. Just as the literal city of Jerusalem, in the first century, was symbolized in Daniel 11:13-17, the literal city will find its role again in Daniel 11:31, in the future.

  1. The messenger talking to Daniel, in Dan. 12:7, answers Daniel’s question;
    “What will be the final part of these things?” by stating; “And from the time that the constant [feature] has been removed and there has been a placing of the disgusting thing that is causing desolation, there will be 1,290 days. Happy is the one who is keeping in expectation and who arrives at the 1,335 days!” – Daniel 11:31; 12:8,11-12.
  • Interestingly, the disciples of Jesus basically asked the same question of him in Matthew 24:3; Mark 13:4; Luke 21:7
  • Jesus mentions that there will be false Christs that will stumble many, during this time, as recorded in Matthew 24:4-5; Mark 13:6; and Luke 21:8. This occurrence is also prophesied in this time period of 1,290 days mentioned in Daniel 11:32-35 where the allowed purpose of this stumbling is to whiten and cleanse Daniel’s people. There is stumbling mentioned in Daniel 11:14, of Daniel’s people, but this is not for the same purpose as it is in verses 32-35.
  • Jesus mentions that he who endures will be saved in Matthew 24:13; Mark 13:13; and Luke 21:19.
  • Jesus mentions the importance to keep on the watch! ( Matthew 24:42; Mark 13:32-37; Luke 21:34-36)
  • To endure and keep on the watch are emphasized in Daniel 12:12 which literally begins with and reads; “O the happiness of the one keeping in expectation and arrives at the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days!” This is the 45 days that are after the 1,290 days. This 45 days includes the raising of the last group of 144,000 brothers of Christ, Christ’s angels separating the wicked from the good (the wicked destroyed), the good news heralded by God’s angel in midheaven, the resurrection of the good and bad, and more.
  • Known famously as, “The Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus mentions in Matthew 5:3-12 many things that equate to happiness:

  • 3 “Happy are those conscience of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.”
  • 4 “Happy are those who mourn, since they will be comforted.”
  • 5 “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.”
  • 6 “Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled.”
  • 7 “Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy.”
  • 8 “Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.”
  • 9 “Happy are the peaceable, since they will be called sons of God.”
  • 10 “Happy are those who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, since the kingdom of the heavens belong to them.”
  • 11 “Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake.”
  • 12 “Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens”

When Jesus was talking to his disciples about the “conclusion of the system of things,” he was referring, in large part, to two different time periods that the king of the north was to war against Jerusalem. If the first period of war was tangible, why wouldn’t the second one be too? Both are dealing with the real physical city. The signs to watch out for relied on the one physical thing that would be able to be identified throughout the ages from Daniel’s time to our day – The old city of Jerusalem. Just as the first period of war was real between Jerusalem and the king of the north played by Rome, the second period of war will be real too between Jerusalem and the future role-player of the king of the north.

Jesus showed how God’s people would undergo suffering by the king of the north before the arrival of the kingdom in Matt. 24:9-10; Mark 13:9,12-13; Luke 21:12-17. This is shown in Daniel 11:32-35 and Revelation 11:2.

  • Daniel 12:7 shows that the suffering and whitening/cleansing would last for 3.5 times (3.5 years).
  • Part of the suffering would involve the court system, as brought out by Jesus in Matthew 24:9; Mark 13:9; and Luke 21:12-15
  • The king of the north who is also illustrated as a “horn,” in Daniel chapter 7, uses the legal system as one of his tools against God’s people. Daniel 7:25 states; “And he will speak even words against the Most High, and he will harass continually the holy ones themselves of the Supreme One. And he will intend to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and half a time.”
    • Dan. 7:26 – The horn (king of the north) has his rulership taken away and he is destroyed. Compare Dan.11:45
    • Notice in Dan. 7:25, the three and a half times that God’s people will be given into the “horn’s” (king of the north) hand. This is the same occurrence as in Daniel 12:7, “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half.”
    • Daniel 12:1 mentions how God’s people who are written down in the book are saved, after the destruction of the king of the north, as mentioned in the previous verse. This event is also recorded in Daniel 7:26-27 where the “horn” is judged and destroyed; “And the kingdom and the rulerships and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens were given to the people who are the holy ones of the Supreme One. Their kingdom is an indefinitely lasting kingdom, and all the rulerships will serve and obey even them.”


See When is Jesus’ coming and arrival?

See Understanding the difference between the coming and the arrival of the kingdom of God

The need for God’s people to be cleansed is evident in Daniel 11:35. This lasts for about 3.5 years. God’s people who need to be straightened (aka cleansed or whitened) are illustrated as the courtyard of the temple in Rev. 11:2. Here the courtyard is immeasurable, as it is with crooked things. Only after it goes through tribulation (and cleansing) for 3.5 years does it figuratively become straight. Now things can be measured in glory as seen in Revelation 21:10-21. Compare Zech. 2:1-13. Notice that even the broad way was transparent as glass, denoting the purity of their worship.

There are two separate groups of 144,000 for a total of 288,000 mentioned in Revelation. The first group was tried by the first advent of the king of the north (Rome), in the first century. They proved themselves worthy to receive the kingdom. The second group is found to be not worthy. They are handed over to the nations. They undergo a time of tribulation and cleansing/whitening as mentioned in Daniel 11:35.

  • In ancient Israel, hundreds of years before Jesus was born, there were 288,000 total who served King David as ministers, as mentioned in 1 Chronicles 27:1 (AMPC) (GNT) (GW) (WYC). This prefigured the 288,000 serving Christ as his “Bride” in Revelation. These 288,000 who serve Jesus as kings and priests ( Rev. 5:9-10) are comprised of two groups, of 144,000 each and are from two different time periods. Both groups, are persecuted by whoever plays the part of the king of the north for that time period.
  • The first group of 144,000 is mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11 and have died faithfully. The second group of 144,000 has yet to be cleansed and is described in Revelation 7:1-8. Interestingly, this fits Jesus illustration known as the “ten virgins” found at Matthew 25:1-13. Half of the group is wise and take extra oil for their lamps. The other group does not. Both groups fall asleep. Then in the middle of the night, there is a cry that the bridegroom is here! They need to go to meet him. The lamps are needed. The wise brought extra oil with them but the foolish are out of oil and must go away to others to buy oil. In the meantime, the bridegroom arrives and those wise virgins are allowed in. When the foolish arrive at the door, it is too late. They are not allowed in. Jesus reminds his followers to keep on the watch! (Matthew 24:44)

  • Toward the end of the 3.5 years of tribulation, the second group is found to be whitened. Together, this beautifully refined group of 288,000 will reign with Christ as kings and priests over the earth. This is symbolized as a marriage between the lamb and this refined group (his wife) in Revelation 19:6-9. This group is made up from every tribe, language, people, and nation. – Revelation 5:9-10; Isa. 56:1-7; Ez. 47:21-23; Amos 9:11-12; Acts 10:30-48; 15:14-18; Rom. 11:25-26.
  • Additional information can be found at . The topic of Alpha and Omega touches on the time period of before and after God’s kingdom comes! See How God’s kingdom will be.. and Christ’s Bride… for more detailed information regarding more parallels of how God’s incoming kingdom will parallel the ancient kingdom.
  • May you be blessed as you sincerely search for the hidden treasures of God’s Kingdom!