Should You Test Your Beliefs?

Should You Test Your Beliefs?

Absolutely! Without a doubt – YES!

If you’re feeling hesitant, remember, it’s okay—you’re simply being human. It’s in our nature to seek comfort in what we believe. We crave stability, not confusion.

But here’s the truth: confusion is a natural and important part of growth. It’s the mind’s way of responding when long-held beliefs are challenged. The brain is working things out, and that’s a beautiful process! So, if you find yourself feeling confused as you test “spiritual” doctrines against scripture, don’t worry—this isn’t a sign of weak faith. In fact, it might be proof of your courage and desire to build your faith on the solid rock of truth, rather than the shifting sands of human tradition. And that, my friend, is commendable!

Let’s consider a few important questions:

Are you willing to test beliefs you’ve held for years, even if it leads to temporary confusion?
You might think, “Why invite confusion?” After all, we naturally avoid discomfort. But if your love for God’s word outweighs your desire for comfort, you’ll seek truth over convenience, even if it means questioning teachings you’ve trusted. And if that momentary confusion draws you closer to understanding God’s will, isn’t it worth it? God honors those who seek Him earnestly, even through moments of discomfort.

What if your teachers are widely respected? Should you still test their teachings against scripture?
Respect for spiritual leaders is natural, but our ultimate loyalty should always be to God. The true test of any doctrine is not its popularity, but its alignment with God’s word. No human authority should ever be beyond the scrutiny of scripture. As Christ himself said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Testing doctrines, even those held by respected leaders, is a way of honoring God’s truth above all else.

What if a religious leader claims to be more qualified than you to interpret scripture?
Would that mean they have the right to keep you from examining their teachings? God’s Word is clear—no one should prevent you from seeking truth. God gave His word to all of us, not just a select few. The Bible encourages every believer to search the scriptures for themselves, to test what they are taught, and to seek divine wisdom directly from God, who “gives generously to all” (James 1:5).

Should religious leaders fear having their teachings tested by scripture?
Absolutely not! If they truly believe their doctrine is rooted in God’s word, they should welcome testing. Truth withstands scrutiny; only falsehoods fear the light of examination. If a leader discourages you from questioning or testing their teachings, ask yourself, what might they be protecting? Remember, it is God’s truth that endures, and any doctrine that contradicts His word cannot stand in His presence.

Is there ever an excuse not to test religious teachings, even those from influential leaders of the past?
Whether the teachings come from well-known figures like Joseph Smith, Charles T. Russell, Martin Luther, or even the Pope, every doctrine must be weighed against scripture. God’s word is the ultimate authority, not the traditions of any individual or institution.

The truth doesn’t mind being tested—only lies do!

Biblical Wisdom on Testing Beliefs

The Bible is full of encouragement to test, examine, and confirm what we believe. Here are just a few examples:

  • 2 Corinthians 13:5-6 (WEB): “Examine your own selves, whether you are in the faith. Test your own selves. Or don’t you know about your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you? —unless indeed you are disqualified.”

The apostle Paul encourages self-examination, reminding us that it’s not only acceptable but essential to test our beliefs. True faith thrives when it’s built on the firm foundation of God’s truth.

  • Revelation 2:2 (WEB): Jesus Himself commends the church in Ephesus for testing those who claimed to be apostles but were found false. “I know your works, your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and have tested those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them false.”

If Jesus commends testing, shouldn’t we embrace it? Testing is a powerful tool in discerning truth from deception.

  • Acts 17:11-12 (WEB): The Bereans were called noble because they eagerly received the word and “examined the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” Even Paul and Silas didn’t expect blind faith; they encouraged the Bereans to verify their teachings through scripture.

True teachers, like Paul and Silas, will always encourage their followers to test what they are taught. Testing doctrines is not an act of rebellion—it’s an act of devotion to God.

Beware of False Teachings

The apostles themselves warned that false doctrines would arise, even from within the church. Some would claim to have special authority or insight, but this should never excuse their teachings from being tested against God’s word.

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 (WEB): Paul warned that the coming of the Lord would be preceded by a great rebellion and the rise of false teachings. This reinforces the need to continually test what we hear, for not all that glitters is gold.
  • James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

God’s wisdom is freely available to all who seek it. Never feel intimidated or unworthy of understanding scripture. God is ready to guide you as you earnestly seek Him.

In Conclusion

Testing doctrines isn’t just a good idea—it’s vital. As the apostle Paul encouraged, and as Jesus Himself demonstrated, we must continually test what we believe. Our faith should be built on the solid foundation of God’s word, not the shifting opinions of men. Truth welcomes the light, and it is by examining and testing that we draw closer to God.

Seek truth. Embrace the journey. And remember—God will never turn away a heart that earnestly seeks Him.