The identification of the king of the north for our day is critical in understanding when God’s kingdom arrives! (Aug 14, 2024+)

The identification of the king of the north for our day is critical in understanding when God’s kingdom arrives!

August 14, 2024 – Dale Beckman, Jr.

(Content added September 13 +, 2024)

(Last update October 18, 2024)


Keep in mind that the “king of the north” is destroyed at the beginning of Christ’s rule. With the start of God’s kingdom, many things happen, as prophesied. As Daniel 12:1-2 and Christ at John 5:28-29 mentions, the true knowledge becomes abundant and there is the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous! Other prophesies tell of the end of old age and sickness being done away with. Justice will prevail!


By properly discerning signs in Daniel, one can be greatly encouraged that God’s kingdom, with its blessings, is near!


This paper attempts to show how Yahya Sinwar, recently securing the most powerful position in Hamas, strongly fits identifiers of the king of the north, so far.


Yahya Sinwar, the newly supreme chief of Hamas, fills most of the identifiers for the king of the north. The two critical identifiers yet to be seen would be Israel losing the old city of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem) and it being occupied/desecrated by the king of the north. There does not have to be a fully functioning temple with sacrifices there, as some think. This is only an identifier for the old city Jerusalem. Will the remaining wailing wall be torn down by the king of the north? Time will tell. In Daniel chapter 12, Daniel hears the message that from the time God’s people lose the old city of Jerusalem and it is controlled by the king of the north, there is only about 3.5 times (years) until the destruction of the king of the north and the standing up of Michael which means the arrival of God’s kingdom!


As there are still things to happen for a positive identification, this information is speculative. However, no one in modern history has fit the descriptions so well. For more information, see .


Below are identifiers about the king of the north, as mentioned in scripture and ways that Yahya Sinwar, the new undisputed leader of Hamas, can possibly identify as the king of the north, so far.


The “King of the North” in **Daniel 11:21-45** is a figure associated with a series of actions, intrigues, and conflicts that are both political and military in nature. These verses describe a ruler who rises to power through deceit and engages in significant warfare, eventually meeting a dramatic end. This dramatic end could be from Michael standing up, as mentioned in Daniel 12:1. It would be fear inspiring, as Christ’s awe-inspiring power would be on display! This is the time of God’s kingdom arrival, in power! Nations are given about 45 days to show submission to Christ. This is the time of the destruction of all false religion and the period of the greatest tribulation. To identify who this king is helps us to place our time in prophesy, concerning the coming of God’ kingdom.


Here are some key identifiers of the “King of the North,” in Daniel:


### 1. **Rise to Power Through Deceit and Intrigue (Daniel 11:21)**

– The “King of the North” gains control not through legitimate succession but through cunning and deceit. He is described as a “contemptible person” who seizes the kingdom during a time of “freedom from care,” meaning he takes advantage of a period of complacency or false security. This “freedom from care” could be looked at in different ways. One way is from the party goer’s initial viewpoint in Israel on October 7,2023. They certainly didn’t care that they were only about three miles from Gaza. They were there to listen to music and dance and put their cares aside for the time being. They felt they were secure. But they weren’t. Another way to view the phrase “freedom from care” is the desperation of Hamas, with the killing of Ismail Haniyeh and the loss of many fighters they needed to fill Haniyeh’s role. They did with Sinwar.


### 2. **Consolidation of Power (Daniel 11:22-23)**

– The King overthrows military forces and makes alliances to strengthen his position. His rise is marked by strategic manipulation and the use of deception to solidify his rule.


### 3. **Plundering and Redistribution of Wealth (Daniel 11:24)**

– He invades rich provinces, taking their wealth and distributing it among his followers. This action is designed to secure loyalty and consolidate his power base.


### 4. **Conflict with the “King of the South” (Daniel 11:25-30)**

– The “King of the North” engages in repeated conflicts with the “King of the South.” These battles are marked by tactical maneuvers, deceit, and shifting alliances. The passage details various military campaigns where the King of the North initially has success but eventually faces setbacks.


### 5. **Desecration of the Temple and Persecution of the Holy Covenant (Daniel 11:31-32)**

– One of the most significant actions attributed to the “King of the North” is the setting up of the “abomination that causes desolation” in the Temple. He desecrates the sanctuary, disrupts Jewish religious practices, and persecutes those who remain faithful to the covenant.


### 6. **Use of Flattery and Corruption (Daniel 11:32)**

– The King uses flattery and promises of favor to corrupt those who violate the covenant. However, those who know their God resist him and remain faithful.


### 7. **Wars and Conflicts (Daniel 11:33-39)**

– The King continues to engage in conflicts, both political and military, spreading his influence and power. He honors a “god of fortresses,” suggesting a focus on military might and the worship of power rather than traditional deities.


### 8. **Final Conflicts and Downfall (Daniel 11:40-45)**

– In the “time of the end,” the “King of the North” engages in a final conflict with the “King of the South” and other forces. Despite initial successes, his end comes suddenly, as he is defeated without human intervention (“he shall come to his end, with none to help him”).


### Interpretations:

– **Historical Interpretation:** Historical interpretations could not be correct. The true meanings are only unlocked at the time of the end, as mentioned at Daniel 12:9.

– **Eschatological Interpretation:** Some interpret these passages as referring to a future Antichrist figure who will rise in the end times, engaging in widespread deception, warfare, and blasphemy before being defeated by divine intervention.


Here’s how Yahya Sinwar’s rise to power, including the assassination of Ahmed Jabari, Sinwar’s release from Israeli prison, and his subsequent role in Hamas, aligns with the “intrigue” described in **Daniel 11:21**:


### Consolidation of Power and Intrigue:

  1. **Assassination of Ahmed Jabari and Sinwar’s Release:**

– **Ahmed Jabari**, a top military commander in Hamas and a key figure in its military wing, was assassinated by Israel in November 2012 during Operation Pillar of Defense. This action was intended to weaken Hamas’ military leadership and destabilize its operations.

– However, Jabari’s assassination indirectly set the stage for Yahya Sinwar’s rise. Sinwar, who had been serving a life sentence in Israeli prison for his role in the killing of Palestinian collaborators, was released in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange deal (the Gilad Shalit exchange). This release allowed Sinwar to re-enter Hamas’ leadership structure at a critical time, eventually leading to his rise as a prominent and influential figure within the organization.


  1. **Sinwar’s Rise to Supreme Leadership:**

– Following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, which Hamas attributed to Israel, Yahya Sinwar was appointed as Haniyeh’s replacement on August 6, 2024. This move consolidated Sinwar’s control over both the political and military wings of Hamas, making him the undisputed leader of the organization.

– Sinwar’s rise through these events can be seen as a modern-day parallel to the “King of the North” in **Daniel 11:21**, who gains power through “intrigue” and manipulation during a time of instability. The sequence of events that brought Sinwar to power—beginning with Jabari’s assassination, his own release, and Haniyeh’s assassination—aligns with the prophecy’s description of a leader who seizes control through unexpected and cunning means.


  1. **Role in the October 7, 2023, Invasion:**

– Sinwar played a crucial role in planning and executing the October 7, 2023, invasion of Israel, which marked one of the most significant escalations in the Israel-Palestine conflict in recent years. This invasion involved a highly coordinated attack on Israeli towns and military installations, resulting in widespread casualties and a significant escalation of the conflict.

– This attack, which demonstrated Sinwar’s strategic capabilities and willingness to engage in large-scale military operations, can be seen as fulfilling the role of the “King of the North” in Daniel 11, who is involved in disruptive and successful military campaigns. The invasion further solidified Sinwar’s position as a key adversary of Israel, fitting the biblical description of a ruler who engages in extensive warfare.


  1. **Backfiring of Strategic Assassinations:**

– The assassination of key figures like Jabari and Haniyeh, intended to weaken Hamas, may have backfired by enabling Sinwar’s rise. Sinwar’s leadership, particularly his orchestration of the October 2023 invasion, illustrates how these actions inadvertently strengthened Hamas’ militant stance.

– This unintended consequence aligns with the concept of “intrigue” in **Daniel 11:21**, where actions meant to stabilize or weaken an adversary lead to unforeseen and dangerous outcomes. Sinwar’s rise to power and the resulting escalation in conflict could be interpreted as fulfilling this aspect of the prophecy.


  1. **Potential for Future Escalation:**

– With Sinwar now in full control of Hamas, the potential for further military escalations against Israel is significant. His leadership, marked by both strategic cunning and a willingness to engage in high-stakes conflict, fits the broader narrative in Daniel 11 of a leader who drives significant and destabilizing wars.

– This could lead to a larger, more destructive conflict, reflecting the “end-time” battles described in the latter part of Daniel 11, where the “King of the North” ultimately meets his downfall in a final, climactic conflict.


### Conclusion:

Yahya Sinwar’s rise to power, beginning with the assassination of Ahmed Jabari, his release from Israeli prison, and culminating in his leadership of Hamas following the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, aligns closely with the “intrigue” described in **Daniel 11:21**. Sinwar’s key role in the October 7, 2023, invasion of Israel, and his potential to further escalate the conflict, fit the characteristics of the “King of the North” in the prophecy. This interpretation suggests that Sinwar’s actions and the events leading to his leadership could be seen as fulfilling the broader themes of warfare, intrigue, and eventual downfall described in Daniel.


Be blessed and directed by Yahweh and his son, Yeshua!


Added September 13+, 2024:

The king of the north, for our day, is described in a couple of other areas in Daniel, although chapter 11 is the most detailed and goes with chapter 12. Keep this in mind, as we move forward in time:

Other areas in Daniel depicting the king of the north mentioned in Chapter 11:

Daniel 7:24b-26 (WEB)

24 As for the ten horns, ten kings will arise out of this kingdom. Another will arise after them; and he will be different from the former, and he will put down three kings. 25 He will speak words against the Most High, and will wear out the saints of the Most High. He will plan to change the times and the law; and they will be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.

26 “‘But the judgment will be set, and they will take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it to the end.

Daniel 8:23-25 (WEB)

23 “In the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have come to the full, a king of fierce face, and understanding dark sentences, will stand up. 24 His power will be mighty, but not by his own power. He will destroy awesomely, and will prosper in what he does. He will destroy the mighty ones and the holy people. 25 Through his policy he will cause deceit to prosper in his hand. He will magnify himself in his heart, and he will destroy many in their security. He will also stand up against the prince of princes; but he will be broken without hand.

Daniel 8:25 (NIV for comparison to the above)

25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

Passages telling of his self-grandeur:

Daniel 7:8,11,20; 8:25; 11:36-37 (NIV)

Dan. 7:8,11,20: 

“While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a human being and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

11 “Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire.

20 I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn that came up, before which three of them fell—the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes and a mouth that spoke boastfully.

Dan. 8:25:

25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

Dan. 11:36-37:

36 “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.


Taking the above into consideration we can see many things about the king of the north:

  • He humiliates / “puts down” three kings
  • He is very boastful – To the extreme
  • He is very effective in deception to get his way
  • He becomes powerful, not by his own power
  • He strives to change laws to fight the king of the south and God’s people
  • If Sinwar, the leader of Hamas, ends up being the prophesied king of the north, he comes to power not from his own might, or lack thereof, but is helped by other means.
  • God’s people are given into his hands for 3.5 times (years)
  • The king of the north is destroyed most likely by Michael mentioned in Daniel 12:1. This gives us a point-in-time reference.

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